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Department of Computer Application

Department of Computer Application

The Department of Computer Applications, SoEC, DBUU aims to establish itself on a global level by producing highly skilled, highly moral, technologically savvy computer application professionals who can adapt to new challenges in information technologies and their applications to meet changing societal and industrial demands. Our goal is to provide the students with the tools they need to become globally competent by strengthening their problem-solving abilities and exposing them to the newest advancements in the field of information technology and computer applications. The Department provides programmes for both the Bachelor of Computer Applications and the Master of Computer Applications. A team of motivated faculty members with a diverse variety of research interests work in the department. The faculty members of the Department of Computer Applications have outstanding academic backgrounds. The faculty is dedicated to educating and creating a positive learning environment for the development of the students. With this in mind, the department hosts a variety of seminars, conferences, workshops, and other events for the benefit of students pursuing computer applications.