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Department of Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

One of the most technologically advanced design disciplines is civil engineering. This area has evolved over time into a discipline of engineering that addresses problems facing the broader population by applying logical and physical norms. In addition to four-year bachelor degree programmes in 2 different areas of civil engineering (B.Tech in Construction Engineering and Management, and B.Tech Geo-Informatics Engineering), the department of civil engineering offers a Master's degree programme in civil engineering (viz., Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Geo technical Engineering). The laboratories offer all the necessary facilities for advanced study in particular areas of civil engineering. The Department is renowned for having highly qualified faculty with knowledge in a variety of subjects. It has developed a significant research potential. The department's faculty members keep raising the bar by performing high-caliber research, pushing the boundaries of knowledge, and educating students on the most recent technological advancements. Additionally, the faculty provides technical guidance on current engineering issues to numerous government and private sector businesses across the nation.