JIS University had been established with a view to providing not only world class education but also a world of opportunities to students, academic as well as otherwise. The main idea behind JIS University is to create an atmosphere whereby the full potential of the students studying here can be utilized and improved. To that end JIS University is always in the search for stimulating courses, and the faculty members of JIS university always go out of their way to include such pedagogical methods in their classes so that students have to always challenge themselves to do better than the last time.

JIS University offers a host of academic as well as technical and professional courses and programs and as such the curriculum at JIS University is always updated to ensure that it keeps pace with the prevailing standards in the University. It is a sine qua none that a student bags a good job after finishing his or her studies but at JIS University we make sure that in the search of a good- and lucrative- job the fun of education is not lost. For this reason, studying at JIS is not only informative, but it is interactive, stimulating as well as challenging. In one word, the education offered at JIS is all-round education.

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